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Suggested Packing List

Hey there future campers!

We know you’re all excited about Camp Neshama and we are too!

We thought you might be asking yourselves, “What in the world am I supposed to bring this weekend?!” Well, we have put together an example of what we’re most likely packing.

Yes, some of us are girls, and we often pack a lot. This may seem like a lot of clothing, but keep in mind, we don’t have washing machines, and if we’re walking around outside in the sun, we might get sweaty and our clothes will stink. Ew.

We have put this list together using our combined 20+ years of sleep-away camp experience. This is in no way meant to instruct you on what you must bring. This is purely meant as a guideline to what someone might bring to wear to Camp Neshama.

Things to keep in mind when packing:

  • Bring clothes you can play, swim, paint, dance and sleep in.

  • Pack something for Shabbat that makes you feel good and like a mentch.

  • Comfortable shoes that can get a little dusty, flip-flops for the bunk showers or poolside and your non-city Shabbos shoes will serve you well.

  • Don’t forget layers like sweaters, hoodies, and a light coat in case you get cold in the evenings because we will be going outside after dark! (Temps: 70's during the day, 40's at night)

  • Please leave all Valuables at home


Important stuff

  • Walking/hiking boots/sneakers

  • Sweaters, windbreaker, and/or light coat for the evening (temps at night will be in the 40's). We recommend layers! (And if you're a person that gets really cold - a hat, gloves, scarf, warm socks).

  • Sun hat

  • Your toiletries

  • Bathing Suit or whatever you like to swim in (pool will be open)

  • Sunglasses

  • Spray Sunscreen

  • Bug spray

  • Medicines / Vitamins

  • Water bottle / Canteen

Other stuff

  • T-shirts

  • Jeans / skirts

  • Shoes and Socks

  • Sandals (if you prefer wearing them in the warmer temps or by the pool)

  • Sweatshirt

  • Pajamas

  • Tzitzis & Kipah (if you wear ’em)

What to wear for Shabbat? Casual camp style (White is not necessary)

  • Slacks

  • Polo / Button down

  • Dress / Skirt

  • Blouse / Shirt

  • Clean shoes

General Items You may want (this is definitely stuff you want to consider bringing)

  • Cabin Bunk Room: we provide sheets, blanket, and a pillow. But just in case you can always bring extra bedding or a sleeping bag (especially if you get cold at night) and bring bath towels.

  • Hotel Style Room: you do not need to bring linens but you may want to bring a favorite pillow or an extra towel.

  • Your Pillow if you prefer yours (we advise a pillow case)

  • All the normal toiletries you normally use

  • Beach towel (if you prefer it for the pool)

  • Sunscreen

  • Flashlight

  • Camera (do people use those?)

  • Instrument (if you play, we’d love to jam with you!)

  • Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and that you can move in (for horseback riding, wall climbing, hiking, sports ect) and to wear during Tie-Dye (for art projects, getting messy)

  • An item you want to tie dye or dip dye (shirts, skirts, socks, or pillowcases - you name it).

  • Yoga Mat

  • Clothes and shoes you can dance in!

  • Any light-up or glow items for our Dance Party

Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

All of us at Camp Neshama are happy to help.

We can't wait to see you at Camp!

~Camp Neshama Team



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